Hey howdy Hiya! I'm one of those cartoonist types that's trying to make a name for himself!
Y'might know me from Saturday Night Swingin'
Looks a lil' barren, I know, but I assure you that there's going to be more stuff here in the future, stick around!

James Averill @Lolotov




New York

Joined on 4/14/16

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Lolotov's News

Posted by Lolotov - December 1st, 2022

I mean hey maybe it's got someone hidden somewhere

and if it doesn't I'm aware it'll probably be a huge risk unless you hide certain content ratings

but hey y'know what sometimes it can be overwhelming

Posted by Lolotov - July 8th, 2022

But we're on page 24 of my comic now, and I definitely think there's going to be a bit of a wait between this chapter and whenever I get the next chapter out

It's already penciled (in fact it's BEEN penciled) but there's been a lot happening


go read

Baristooges | Chapter 1 | Page 24 by Lolotov on Newgrounds


Posted by Lolotov - May 13th, 2022

Page 16 is here and read-able!

This is also the first instance of me actually posting single-page updates!

I should really post non-comic artwork again, tho

I mean there's page navigation at the bottom so it shouldn't theoretically be too cluttered!


Posted by Lolotov - May 6th, 2022

Ayyo Comic update!

Double Upload!

Page 14

Page 15

This will be the last time I do this, aha

but ye, enjoy!


Posted by Lolotov - May 5th, 2022

I DID Say I'd use Newgrounds more this year!

So yeah, I'm pretty stoaked to finally get this comic out to the world, after two years of worrying about the "Where and When", I figured "Well why not post it to the place everything is, eh?"

So yeah, weekly updates on Fridays until I run out of stuff to post!

The comic in case you're confused; Baristooges | Chapter 1 | Page 1

So yeah lemme know what ya think!



Posted by Lolotov - February 21st, 2022

 all I can come up with is "Long Pico"



Posted by Lolotov - January 10th, 2022

Eh... probably going to, still, once I'm uh... done with Mod shit


Posted by Lolotov - September 14th, 2021

Not sick or anything, ahah, just not really feelin' it, fam

Posted by Lolotov - June 3rd, 2021

I admit I was kinda burnt out of Saturday Night Swingin' for a while, but! I thought I'd give you guys a text update to hold you over until I make a video one, which will basically be a verbatim retelling of this post plus a few extra things.

  1. Boyfriend, Stacey, and Girlfriend basically have all their stuff that they need for the first track done
  2. The rest of the music is still being worked on, granted we have a bit of a ways to go with it
  3. The rest of the cast that you'll be fighting still needs their sprites done (But one of them is half-way done, so that's fun!
  4. Backgrounds/Background animations are still on their way out, probably going to work on those after phase 2 of the week is done.
  5. Story's basically taken care of, just needs to be written down
  6. No release date yet, don't want anyone's hopes getting up about it releasing any time soon.
  7. The fun thing that gets released with the mod is a thing that exists ;)c

So yeah, stuff's happening, still, it's kinda slow, but hopefully this is one of those things that wind up being worth waiting for, ahah

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read, thank you for understanding that this stuff takes time, and have a good day! <3



Posted by Lolotov - May 17th, 2021

Planning on making a big ol' group picture featuring all the Funkin' Jam entries that have songs made for 'em

Y'know, Viernes Night Funkin', Week Sigma, "A New Challenger!" and the like?

Sorry if it sounds lame to ask for help with this but I've got some stuff that I gotta do in the IRL that makes it a little hard to devote much time to it
